






首页 Midjourney MJ机器机甲 [V5] 未来毒液风格盔甲





[V5] 未来毒液风格盔甲

小冉 2023-3-29 15:18:55

realistic photography, front view, zoomed out view, Full body view display of futuristic venom-style armor on bright display, each body part separated from each other with no one wearing the armor, showcasing the intricate details and features of the suit. The armor is sleek and black with an almost liquid-like texture, rippling and pulsating as if alive. The helmet is angular and menacing, with glowing red eyes that seem to pierce through anyone who looks at them. The chest plate is adorned with sharp edges and spiked protrusions, giving the wearer a dangerous and aggressive appearance. The arms and legs are segmented and sleek, with jointed plates that move fluidly like a snake. The gloves have sharp claws that look like they could tear through anything, and the boots are thick and sturdy with heavy treads for stability. The environment is a brightly lit showroom with white walls and floors, highlighting the armor's sleek and menacing appearance. The mood is one of awe and intimidation, with the intricate details and sharp edges of the armor inspiring both fear and admiration. The atmosphere is tense, with a sense of anticipation and excitement permeating the air. The lighting is focused and dramatic, with spotlights highlighting each individual piece of the armor and casting deep shadows behind them. The light is a cool blue-white, creating a sense of futuristic technology and sleekness, clear sharp photography, full frame, chiaroscuro, intricate details, epic composition, cinematic, complex details, clear sharp details, perfect natural lighting, super-resolution, ProPhoto RGB, Rim lights, cinematic lighting, volumetric lighting, volumetric, Rembrandt lighting, beautiful lighting, global illumination, shimmering, ray tracing reflections, chromatic aberration, CGI, VFX, SFX, insanely detailed and intricate, micro details, hypermaximalist, elegant, ornate, hyper realistic, super detailed, real color photo, HDR, high detail, high resolution, superia X-TRA 400, --q 5 --ar 9:16 --v 5 --s 750



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