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我是大王 2023-1-22 17:30:06

描述语:<https://i.mj.run/134ff10b-ddea-42f1-9abd-2976e8b52621/0_0.png> + 2D vector neon pink paper + the Mother of Death reaper + symetrical + skull + golden ratio + elements + gold + neon + baroque + rococco + white + ink + tarot card with ornate border framee, 5 black paper + tarot card + The God of Despair + skull covered in flames + intricate ink illustration + symmetry + cimenatic + vintage + guilded border + floral border + line art, clean details, cel shading, 1skull + magical + symmetrical + symmetry + flower bouquet + purple and pink flowers + bright green vines + detailed intricate ink illustration + symbols of death + tarot card with ornate border frame + vivid atmosphere, 0.3 the God of fear marc simonetti, paul pope, peter mohrbacher, detailed, intricate ink illustration, 3 The zodiac sign of Virgo , blade runner, akira, ghost in the shell, 2077, style of Laurie Greasley and Satoshi Kon + symmetric lights and smoke, psychedelic effects , glowing particles, neon rain, glowing runes, de-noise, symmetrical composition, high detailed + tarot card, ornate border, 8k, 3.5 white arc-angel with mystic robotic wings, blade runner, akira, ghost in the shell, 2077, style of Laurie Greasley and Satoshi Kon + symmetric lights and smoke, psychedelic effects , glowing particles, neon rain, glowing runes, de-noise, symmetrical composition, high detailed + tarot card, ornate border, 8k,, 3 dark blue and yellow paper,tarot card ,a mandelbulb fractal southeast asian buddha statue with intricate designs,full of golden and black and red layers, skulls, cloud, vines, mushrooms, swirles, curves, Huggins ,by Hokusai and Mike Mignola, Alexandros Pyromallis, gold purple ink , DZO Oliver , Junji Ito and Chris Foss , Michael Whelan, Wayne Barlowe, Gothic Victorian Baroque Horror , 2D saturated gouache ,elaborate dark blue ink + neon pink ink illustration --ar 2:3 --chaos 99 --iw 0.75 --test --creative


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