






全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 SD-WebUI星海世界本地部署整合包
这个Stable-diffusion星海世界WebUI本地部署整合包整合了超多模型,唯美国风模型非常多,赶快试试吧... 01. 主体novelai(Stable-diffusion)含lora vae controlnet插件、亚洲模型、秋葉启动器、 ...
小冉 前天 22:16 1825 0
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 [视频]SD-秋葉WebUI本地部署最终版V3
推荐使用秋葉aaaki制作的SD WebUI本地部署最终版V3,感谢她的无私奉献 可以关注秋葉aaaki的哔哩哔哩主页:https://space.bilibili.com/12566101 这个版本是webui版的一键包,和以前所有版本都 ...
我是大王 前天 22:15 1708 0
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 [V5] 美丽的中国仙女风格的女孩
描述语:**** 本内容需VIP会员才能查看 ****
simonlive 5 天前 2888 0
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 SD-喵手WebUI本地部署自更新一键下载安装汉化版 V230226
喵手原版下载:喵手SD-WebUI完整版v230219 (13.8G):百度云盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1k4_93zP8mKzzWCAVCfHZEA?pwd=uh7v提取码:uh7v喵手SD-WebUI一键下载版v230226 (243MB):百度云盘:ht ...
羿羽 2024-4-19 06:35 1694 0
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 Stable Diffusion WebUI本地部署星空版整合包230217
下载本地部署包: 我这里推荐独立研究员-星空分享的SD WebUI本地部署整合包,感谢他无私奉献 可以关注独立研究员-星空的哔哩哔哩主页:https://space.bilibili.com/250989068 1. 星空版Stable ...
nirvana 2024-4-7 19:15 4178 0
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 Stable Diffusion综合使用教程[第一版] - [阅读权限 90]
本教程已申请版权,严禁转载和盗卖,一经发现追究到底!!! 电脑必须使用NVIDIA的显卡,建议2060或同等配置的N卡 8G显存以上,训练模型的话建议12G显存以上。AMD虽然也有相应的本地部署包, ...
zerOne 2023-4-19 23:26 2261 4
描述语:Creative graphic design, design, Jpop culture, tokyo, collage, clipart, graphic, illustrations, 16K 源链接:https://www.midjourney.com/app/jobs/34af2b42-7e59-4b04-b0a2-72b ...
我是大王 2023-4-15 18:37 161 0
[V5] 可爱的怪物在城市非常明亮的颜色2d页面
描述语:cute MONSTERS IN A CITY VERY BRIGHT COLORS 2d pages simple outline vector brig --ar 3:2 --q 2 --v 5 源链接:https://www.midjourney.com/app/jobs/57b569fd-af1b-45bc-b55a-f4d ...
中庸道 2023-4-15 17:35 161 0
[V5] 精致高贵的玻璃香水瓶放在水的中间
描述语:A delicate and noble glass perfume bottle was placed in the middle of the water,The sunlight asperses full, on the water flutters falls the petal, has the dew, the crystal ...
绘师冉 2023-4-15 14:36 185 0
描述语:Design the bottle for a soft-drink made of cucumbers, photorealistic. Name: CUKE SPLASH 源链接:https://www.midjourney.com/app/jobs/1f138a11-4a8f-4be8-bf97-d5e3424b5429/ ...
羿羽 2023-4-14 23:46 157 0
[V5] 精致的刺绣描绘了中国传统舞狮的头部
描述语:**** 本内容需VIP会员才能查看 ****
绘师冉 2023-4-14 23:04 129 0
[V5] 时尚女人的绘画
描述语:the drawing of a woman, fashion, in the style of graceful balance, white and red, sleek lines, surprisingly absurd, letras y figuras, curves, picassoesque, minimalistic -- ...
中庸道 2023-4-14 21:40 177 0
[V5] 星际迷航大都会
描述语:Star Trek Metropolis, colorful and lively , futuristic, amazing sci-fi , by Shusei Nagaoka --ar 9:16 --chaos 10 --q 2 --v 5 源链接:https://www.midjourney.com/app/jobs/2e ...
nirvana 2023-4-14 16:36 161 0
[V5] 充满字母汤的世界的彩色插图
描述语:a colorful illustration of a world filled with alphabet soup, in the style of felipe pantone, luxurious, dynamic energy flow, erik jones, bright backgrounds, carnivalesque ...
小冉 2023-4-14 16:05 164 0
[V5] 苏打包装设计
描述语:Soda packaging design, Long popular can, natural feel, heaven style, with angelical design and baroque paiting style --v 5 源链接:https://www.midjourney.com/app/jobs/35b4 ...
羿羽 2023-4-14 15:56 202 0
[V5] 塑料透明充气购物袋
描述语: plastic transparent inflatable shopping bag with emoji around, in the style of neo-academism,in the style of naive childlike, adorable toy sculptures, nul group, distinct ...
绘师冉 2023-4-14 15:50 151 0
[V5] 汽水包装设计
描述语:Soda packaging design, popular can, natural feel, stylish desing, with Koi fish design and painting style --v 5 源链接:https://www.midjourney.com/app/jobs/6c5f7b60-524f-4 ...
负重前行 2023-4-14 15:35 150 0
[V5] 令人难以置信的抽象艺术海报设计
描述语:incredible abstract art poster design --ar 2:3 --v 5 源链接:https://www.midjourney.com/app/jobs/03970164-0fac-458d-bef1-829b853375ba/
绘师冉 2023-4-14 14:35 149 0
[V5] 苏打包装设计花式大罐
描述语:Soda packaging design, Fancy big can, natural feel, stylish pop art, with dragon design and painting style, colorful --ar 4:5 --v 5 源链接:https://www.midjourney.com/app/ ...
simonlive 2023-4-14 13:22 169 0
[V5] 立方苏打罐包装设计
描述语:packaging design, Cubic Soda can, Natural feel, blue and red abstract design ar, detailed, elegant, ultra-HD --ar 4:5 --v 5 源链接:https://www.midjourney.com/app/jobs/34d ...
羿羽 2023-4-14 12:52 138 0
[V5] 狮子日本插图
描述语:sticker style:: lion, japanese illustration, mechanical, dark background, vector, digital art --no blur, dragon --ar 1:2 --v 5 源链接:https://www.midjourney.com/app/jobs/ ...
小冉 2023-4-13 16:30 148 0
[V5] 鸡尾酒插图
描述语:cocktail illustration, minimal, modern --ar 2:3 --upbeta --q 2 --v 5 --s 750 源链接:https://www.midjourney.com/app/jobs/8c95fee1-0ebe-4232-ab1e-0e6192787650/
中庸道 2023-4-13 16:01 426 0
[V5] 保罗胡佛的北极熊海报
描述语: paul hoover' polar bear poster, in the style of minimalist black and white, whimsical children's book illustrator, elongated, jim lively, marjane satrapi, editorial illus ...
我是大王 2023-4-13 14:41 225 0
[V5] 波西米亚花卉方形框架白色背景
描述语:boho floral square frame white background --ar 2:3 --v 5 源链接:https://www.midjourney.com/app/jobs/badf75b1-d489-4aca-9009-b4f9a89293d6/
simonlive 2023-4-13 14:13 156 0
[V5] 一种美味清爽的莫吉托饮料的特写镜头
描述语:brand creative for Facebook that shows a closeup of a deliciously refreshing mojito drink, while on a hierbabuena background, clearly visible water from the ice --v 5 --s ...
我是大王 2023-4-12 20:54 159 0
[V5] 以最小运行DMC为灵感的艺术品
描述语:**** 本内容需VIP会员才能查看 ****
simonlive 2023-4-12 19:54 151 0
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