






全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 SD-喵手WebUI本地部署自更新一键下载安装汉化版 V230226
喵手原版下载:喵手SD-WebUI完整版v230219 (13.8G):百度云盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1k4_93zP8mKzzWCAVCfHZEA?pwd=uh7v提取码:uh7v喵手SD-WebUI一键下载版v230226 (243MB):百度云盘:ht ...
羿羽 昨天 06:35 1588 0
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 SD-WebUI星海世界本地部署整合包
这个Stable-diffusion星海世界WebUI本地部署整合包整合了超多模型,唯美国风模型非常多,赶快试试吧... 01. 主体novelai(Stable-diffusion)含lora vae controlnet插件、亚洲模型、秋葉启动器、 ...
小冉 前天 21:10 1712 0
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 [视频]SD-秋葉WebUI本地部署最终版V3
推荐使用秋葉aaaki制作的SD WebUI本地部署最终版V3,感谢她的无私奉献 可以关注秋葉aaaki的哔哩哔哩主页:https://space.bilibili.com/12566101 这个版本是webui版的一键包,和以前所有版本都 ...
我是大王 7 天前 1584 0
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 Stable Diffusion WebUI本地部署星空版整合包230217
下载本地部署包: 我这里推荐独立研究员-星空分享的SD WebUI本地部署整合包,感谢他无私奉献 可以关注独立研究员-星空的哔哩哔哩主页:https://space.bilibili.com/250989068 1. 星空版Stable ...
nirvana 2024-4-7 19:15 4035 0
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 [V5] 美丽的中国仙女风格的女孩
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simonlive 2024-2-8 18:18 2693 0
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 Stable Diffusion综合使用教程[第一版] - [阅读权限 90]
本教程已申请版权,严禁转载和盗卖,一经发现追究到底!!! 电脑必须使用NVIDIA的显卡,建议2060或同等配置的N卡 8G显存以上,训练模型的话建议12G显存以上。AMD虽然也有相应的本地部署包, ...
zerOne 2023-4-19 23:26 2259 4
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 佩剑的年轻女孩
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simonlive 2023-4-11 20:10 190 0
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 华丽美丽的赛博朋克维京贝斯克尔
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simonlive 2023-4-10 19:32 172 0
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 完美的卡哇伊脸华丽轻盈的女孩
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我是大王 2023-4-9 17:34 187 0
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 一个超级可爱的女孩
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负重前行 2023-4-8 23:54 405 0
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 3000年的可爱女人
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负重前行 2023-4-3 17:00 321 0
描述语:pharah overwatch, Egyptian princess, blurred city in background, young female girl in metallic blue and gold, in the style of hyper-realistic sci-fi, 3d game art, simon bi ...
小冉 2023-4-12 16:48 204 0
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nirvana 2023-4-12 16:31 202 0
描述语:looking at the camera in a medium shot with white background, young girl with saber and sword facing the camera, in the style of realistic and hyper-detailed renderings, t ...
中庸道 2023-4-12 16:21 429 0
描述语:beautiful dance, ribbon fluttering, Chinese Dunhuang art, elaborate costume, gorgeous decoration, beautiful curves, bright tones, full body, soft light, Disney animation, ...
负重前行 2023-4-12 12:59 197 0
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我是大王 2023-4-12 12:55 170 0
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小冉 2023-4-12 12:53 326 0
描述语:1940s Female pilot wearing goggles and a leather flying helmet, in the style of anime art, Navy and teal colors, xiaofei yue, chromepunk, ferrania p30, social media portra ...
中庸道 2023-4-12 10:37 175 0
描述语:sailor moon art girl on the moon, screaming, in the style of cyberpunk futurism, light violet and gold, lilia alvarado, shang dynasty, andrzej sykut, bold, vibrant colors, ...
我是大王 2023-4-12 10:30 170 0
描述语: a person in makeup with red and black face paint looking up, ecstatic, smiling, energetic, laughing, in the style of anime art, red and black, xiaofei yue, chromepunk, fe ...
绘师冉 2023-4-12 10:17 182 0
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simonlive 2023-4-12 10:12 159 0
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小冉 2023-4-11 23:49 168 0
描述语:3d artist, artist and model artist jack strang's animated series 'jake' artist, in the style of gerda taro, detailed character design, bill gekas, harlem renaissance, skot ...
simonlive 2023-4-11 23:32 161 0
描述语:a woman with long black hair in a dress, in the style of realistic hyper-detailed rendering, light orange and dark black, minimalistic japanese, evgeni gordiets, cartoon m ...
中庸道 2023-4-11 23:30 296 0
描述语:femme, girls anime, Sadie_Sink, blue and gold, tuna armor, eyeballs on tentacles, half face grown with rotten cordyceps fungus, mushroom eyeballs, painterly background, ch ...
负重前行 2023-4-11 22:58 205 0
描述语:anime girl, naive and pure and innocent girl, sitting in the country bus stop; green meadow and wooden bench, wearing a school uniform, rainy day, after shcool, looking at ...
小冉 2023-4-11 22:54 170 0
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